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                     Your doctor might suggest this type of treatment if you’ve had an injury or illness that makes it hard to do daily tasks. Physical therapy is care that aims to ease pain and help you function, move, and live better. You may need it to: Depending on the reason for treatment, the benefits of physical therapy include:

  • Pain management with reduced need for opioids.

  • Avoiding surgery.

  • Improved mobility and movement.

  • Recovery from injury or trauma.

  • Recovery from stroke or paralysis.

  • Fall prevention.

  • Improved balance.

  • Management of age-related medical problems.

  • Relieve pain

  • Improve movement or ability

  • Prevent relapse from a sports injury

  • Prevent disability or surgery, or further injury

  • Rehab after a stroke, accident, injury, or surgery in compliment with all your Doctors' recommendations.

  • Work on balancing disabilities temporary or long term as a result of a slip or fall

  • Manage a chronic illness like diabetesheart disease, or arthritis, just to name a few

  • To assist and help you recover after you give birth

  • To better control your bowels or bladder with the aid of Personal Therapist to show you exercises to do at home.     

  • Adapt to an artificial limb or long term Chronic Illness(es)

  • Learn to use assistive devices like a walker or cane

  • Get a splint or brace management understanding of how to process injury and how to recover with SUPPORT.

People of all ages get physical therapy. It can treat a variety of health problems.

What Is a Physical Therapist?

A person who is using Manual Medicine in various Modalities of Integrative Medicines & various Healthcare professions in order to attend to you & alleviate the suffering and pain a client is processing. Which you will find in Physiotherapy or through Acupuncture, as well as full TCM Practitioners, Chiropractics, & Osteopathy Doctors, as well as Licensed Holistic Practitioners, just a few examples of Qualified Manual Medicine attending professionals licensed and ready for your case when you are ready to step up and be a major active player in your own healing process.


Qualified therapists first spend a good amount of proper care attending to evaluate your condition and develop a care plan that guides your therapy in which you are an active part of. They may perform hands-on treatments for your symptoms. However you must be the one who has decided to allow yourself to feel better, and you are the one to make or break the recovery or treatment process. Your will to never give up and continue to maintain a positive mindset through all therapy is a vital part of seeing success in the treatments you are regularly receiving that will also teach you special exercises to help you move and function better. This is not a simple matter of going to get better because you are taking regular sessions with a therapist if you do not attend to the right lifestyle and supplements as well as good mind medicine and spiritual wellness routines. However, Manual Physical Medicine is a very important key to a great many ailments of the physical body and should definitely be regarded as a strong ally when used and processed with the healthiest mind frame, and here at PRIMARY PREVENTION PRACTITIONER, we are working on the WHOLISM APPROACH.

In most parts of North America's Western Civilisation, you can go directly to a physical therapist without a referral from your doctor. Or your doctor might prescribe it. But nowadays you can find a lot of external assistance with several styles of TRADITIONAL & MODERN INTEGRATIVE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE OPTIONS.

If you have a serious illness or injury, a licensed professional Practitioner may not take the place of your doctor. But we will work with your doctors and other professionals to guide treatments with you in the Driver's seat. You’ll feel better and you’ll be more likely to get back full function in the area being treated, and in most cases, faster than without the guidance of a qualified and educated Practitioner here to serve you better.

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